Family is central to the fabric of the Pacific Islander communities. Pacific Islander families have a distinctive identification due to their culture and beliefs. Their cultural identity is practiced at home, church, and other PI gathered for community events. However, our families struggle to navigate the complex educational and social-economic systems due to cultural dissimilarities, language barriers, poverty, and a sense of shame of being stereotyped. These challenges create barriers and discourage our families from seeking services to improve their current status and thrive.
Our System of Care is a broad, flexible array of related resources, services, and support to manage multiple stressors for individuals and families by referrals, coaching, delivering, and networking with other community resources and services to address their needs. It is organized into a coordinated network of service providers and integrates service planning, coordination, and management across multiple organizations. It builds meaningful partnerships with families and youth at service delivery, management, and policy levels and is linguistically and culturally resonant. To be successful, a System of Care must have supportive management from partner organizations and policies in place to define the roles and expectations of all members. System of Care members will meet regularly and establish policies and procedures to guide service coordination. The System of Care will include representation from various Kitsap County organizations, including health care, immigration, education, juvenile justice, behavioral health, and social services. System of Care members will establish policies to guide service coordination and a referral system that ensures wraparound services for Kitsap County PI youth and families.